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getting kinda close, almost love

Hey Friday.
Friday, July 31, 2009 6:04 PM

[[Not meant to be updated now]]

Upset ,mad ,cnfused .
K bye .

Sunday, July 19, 2009 11:45 AM

like finally ,i could blog again ! aiyah ,idk where went sortsort sey . bt its okaay thou . idk where t begin . sme things in lyfe jst sucks big time (!) everything's jst as per nrmal & fr goddamn sake ,sch's jst getting plain boring ! seemed tht theres no mre exciting events coming up . and yeaaa ,so lets start off w sme ppl . firsly ,IWAN called me out of a sudden ystd (!) i thought it was asri who wanted t prank th hell outta me . bt no ,it was him . i was so shocked tht he came bck calling . talked talked talked . & true feeling ,im feeling very bad & guilty twards him . why is he calling me all tht ? why does he bother t call me up still ? why does he bother t even keep my numbr in his cntact still ? why does he keep asking fr it repeatedly aftr lotsa rejections . damn ,hes a nice guy . really is . im jst praying fr his happiness ,happiness tht he'll have throughout . im srry

next is anuder HYM . he was so sweet of thos phrases & care . i'd really appreciate it alot . bt idk ,i cnt predict anything fr nw . bt thks ________ . youre a nice guy . hes like giving me signs ,like wht kalysa tld me . bt i aint sure still . ahahas .

and YOU ! i cn see tht youre really tryna diss th hell outta me w yr stupid reactions & fucking irritating compliments ,thnks . if you wanna fucking talk abt me ,say it in my face bitch ! im sry t even call you tht . bt youre getting waaay over my nerves . im tryna cool dwn & jst forget abt it fr th first time . bt nt th second time bitch ! youre jst tryna test me . dunt think youre a big-headed & you wanna act like a big fcuk here . youre so getting me wrng . talk ,talk all you want behind my back . criticise me all you want . i jst wanna see how far you cn get w this . && ohh plss ,dunt tryna act like a perfect & innocent bitch infront of me . iknw who you are ,iknw wht youre like . jst gt over it bitch . im really tired of all your drama ,really does . youre sucha perfect DRAMA QUEEN ~

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Stress stress stress.
Saturday, July 11, 2009 6:27 PM

hey earthlings ~
sry fr nt updating lately . smth's hell wrng w my net & i cnt log in t blogger (!) & when im able t ,i cnt upload pichas . bloody kotek ! even ,im nw blogging at my aunt's hse . like finally luhh . ugh . so frustrated . i was so excited ystd tht ive gt my phne bck aftr a long-time-waiting-for-repairing . bt damn ! found out tht my phne's still sort smewhere . both my memory card & usb cable's spoiled ): wht am i bloody hell gtta do ? sighs ,sucha bad luck . just gtta bear w it then . lpas satu ,satu luhh . alamak ,geram nye ! stress ahh siaa . ): nvm ,im nw gnna scribble wht has hppened lately .

monday & tuesday :
lesson went s per usual . as fr mother tongue lesson ,maimunah dint come . so ,its like yay !
talk talk talk ,as per nrmal . aft sch ,went t library w gfs : fah qinah azifah nurul . aft tht ,went arnd cp ,accmpanied qinah buy her tops . then ,we went separate ways . qinah azifah & i went t houg & fah along w nurul tend t go bck hme . so yah . gt at houg and followed qinah t cotton on t buy her leggings . aft which ,qinah treated us donut empire since she jst gt her pay . yay ,thks darling ! (:

wednesday :
chosen students had t go fr health screening .
certain only siaa . why nt everyone eyh ?
checked & th nurse asked me wht i ate till i grow tall .
i said idk luhh . like wth ,how shud i knw luhh . ahaha .
i gt scared when they said its kindda tall fr my age . ):

thursday :
dint bring my chem hw & ohh im so called by mdm idamurni t stay bck aft sch t finish tht particlar exercise . ugh .
blablabla . farys also had t stay bck . everyone finished & went off . & yet ,im still struggling =.=' bt yay ,farys chose t wait fr me till im done . awww ,so sweet of you old-mate . thks farys ! then we both went t mdm ida's pigeon hole and hand up . like finally ! phew !

went outta sch & brothr miss called . called him bck & he tld me tht he'll be meeting me late as hes gg Giant first . ahaha . gt hme ,waited fr his miss call . while waiting ,went networking . blabla ,rain rain then ~ aiyaiyai . brothr texted saying t meet at cp at 5pm . kaay go ! walk walk walk . dint hear his calls and im so so sry . my phne was in silent mode . and he practically gave 6 miss calls . i panicked & called him bck . he sounded so sleepy ,yet asking me where am i . ahaha . sry dearest brothr . met him like finally & he was sleepy . he was almost gg hme ! thank god i manged t call him earlier . ahaha . its my fault even ,sry . asked him abt th essay outline . sempat sey* we were jst sitting by th blocks there ,since many seats are occupied . sme are dirty =.=' walked walked walked t find a perfect chair & table as i request of playing poker cards . he said okaay & we're off finding . while walking ,saw 7eleven . brothr wanted t buy redbull since he was so sleepy . ahaha . gt there ,saw hisham zulhusni & zakir . long time finding seats and tables ,finnaly gt one ! phew ! bt wth ,its smewhere arnd akak's hse . ciket peh dkt ! ahaha . brothr tld me t run jst t gt tht fucking seat bfre its occupied . ahaha . sat & play Stress then taiti . idk hw its spelled* crapped & played funny stupid games . i was dozing off soon . bt thks t brothr tht he suggested one funny stupid game tht alerted me . ahaha ! we both laughed like noone's business & keep asking stupid lame qns . funny siaa . aftr tht game ,we both went quiet . like bored bored ald ~ brothr's fren came by . yayaya . mom called ,asking wht time t cme hme . i said later ,ahaha . brothr wana go hme . so ,tend t send him t th bus stp . gt there ,a few buses past ald & yet he cud still say later . ahaha. we chatted & crapped spooky stuffs . theres this one part where he sang th misteri jam12 song . i disturbed him & he himslf gt scared . ahahahah ! his reactions funny luhh siaa . chat chat chat . laugh laugh laugh . cnt frgt tht moment . funny funny ! hes th one & only bestest brothr i had . kaki gerek nye orng ((: i love disturbing him . ahah .

friday :
sch was as per nrmal & i'd feel like im hating you mre . why must it b this way ? are you tryna put up a drama scene here ? ohh so no ,plss . im tired of everything . im tired of history repeating itslf . if you've gt smth t say ,say it right in my face . nt behind my bck plss . i hate it . your actions are jst tryna cmplicate me ,do y'knw tht ? im jst wishing fr a peaceful moment right nw . i might nt b updating this blog as usually i guess . due t all these shitts thts bugging me . im done here ((:



I'd feel the wind blowing me out.
Monday, July 6, 2009 8:06 PM

lalala ~
boo you ppl ! eventhou tday was a somehow holiday ,yett im at hme lazing arnd just duin sme hse chores due t mom's order . ahaha ! went fr religious class in th mrning & then chit-chatted w/ mom & cousins . eat ,surf th net . hmm ,cmnr tak gemok (!) =.=' done w/ th hse chores ,spare a thought fr sme stuffs . nothing much t update fr tday as basically i had th whole hse t myslf . im just waiting fr tmrw ! just t get hell crazy & laughing like hell w/ them . girlfriends are adored ((:

a song written by beloved brothr of his own story & i guess it refers t you too ,boy .
diriku diperdayakan ~

oh sakitnya hatiku
mengapa kau permainkan
cintaku seikhlas hati
apakah ini balasanmu

jikalau kau dah jemu
janganlah kau menyakiti
ku hanya insan biasa
namun ku punya harga diri

andainya kau membenci
janganlah engkau mengeji
andainya kau tak suka
biarlah ku bersendirian

sakitnya rasa hatiku ini
mengapa engkau memperdayakn
kemana janji dan sumpah setiamu
terhadap diriku

tergamaknya kau melukai diri
apakah engkau tudak mengasihi
apa salah yang telah ku lakukan
hingga begini akhirnya

oh andai ku terluka
engkaulah penyembuhnya
tetapi kini tiada
penyembuh untukku lagi

ku ingin meminta maaf kepadamu

kerana kini tertutup pintu hatiku buat dirimu

dirimu tidak pernah ku lukai hingga sebegini . apakah ini balasan yang ku dapati setelah membuat semua pengorbanan itu ? apakh diriku masih tidak sempurna sehingga dikau harus memperlakukan ku sebegini . ku tidak sesekali menyangka yang tragedi akan berlaku . aku setia pada dirimu yang satu . ku membelakangkan yang lain demimu . ku hanya taat pada cinta yang seketika ini . apakah lembaran cinta ini terputus begitu saja ? ku hanya taat pada cinta yang ku yakini ini . tapi apakah ini kesudahannya ? ku cuba untuk bertahan . ku cuba untuk menyayangimu seperti selalu . tetapi perlakuanmu dan sikapmu itu membuat hatiku beku dan perasaan sayang ini hilang . sedikit demi sedikit ia pergi begitu sahaja . ku melepaskanmu kerana ku terpaksa ,sayangku . apakah semua pengorbanan itu tidak pernah kau huraikan ? tidak pernahkah dikau memikirikan akan perasaanku ? aku sanggup melakukan semuanya untukmu . ku mempertahankan dirimu dan membelakangkan duniawi untuk dirimu . tapi mengapa cinta yang datang cepat berlalu ? mengapakah aku mendapat seksaan darimu kian ? terasa pedihnya seksaan ini di dalam jiwa . mungkin ku bukan gadis impianmu ,ku bukan gadis yang sempurna bagimu . tetapi ,sekurang-kurangnya ,hargailah daku . hargailah cinta ini . namun ,ku hanya dapat menitis air mata mengenangkan seksaan itu . semuanya telah berlalu dan ku yakin ku dapat hidup tanpa dirimu di sisi . ku tidak dapat memahami dirimu yang semakin aneh ini . kini ku mendapat jawapan yang kau bukan lah cinta sejatiku ataupun diriku untukmu . ku tidak kisah akan semua yang telah kau perlakukan terhadap diriku . cuma satu yang ku pinta . sedarilah kesilapanmu dan hargailah mereka yang menyayangimu dengan sepenuh hati .

okaay peepos ! im being random fr awhile . frgt it . just some shits im typing out of emotions . everything has an end . this life ,the people ,everything . nothing stays forever . only if it was meant t . im duin my eng assignment nw . i gtta get my ass off here nw . cya ppl arnd ((: done story-telling yaaaw . huak ~



Why am i in a dilemma?
Sunday, July 5, 2009 10:39 PM

Rain rain ,go away . Come again anuder day ~
phew ! finally did go out w/ family tday . at first ,mom & aunt planned t go uncle's crib at bedok . bt yeaa ,hes working . so ,cncelled . went t wdlnds instead . bought some things there ,nt really shopping thou . lol . ate dinner & went hme . quite boring also as theres nt much things there . bt its okaay . at least ,i'd get t spend time w/ bby iana & familia . bt sadly ,granny wasnt along . hmms . tday was raining almost th whole day . damn cold lahh sey ! aniwaes ,rmbred ystd . mom asked abt you . it was a sudden & i'd really hate tht part . im like out of words . "why arent you seemed t b frens w/ him nw ? smth must had hppened btwn you guys ." i'd just wished i cud tell mom everything . no ,i dunt wanna make her mad . bt i knw tht she knew it smehw either . moms always knw their children better . aftr one issue ,why must there b anothr ? life is full of challenges . hw i'd hope i cud b strong like those out there . nothing much t update tday . and ohhs ,cant upload pictures fr nw . smth's wrng w/ th comp . ugh (!) so ,sorries tht it has t b plain in th meanwhile . && tmrw no sch . YAY~ i'd just hope my sch would get quarantined . hahah ! lazy lahh oii . mendak mendak mendak ; nw texting cousin & brothr oli . chatting w/ syafiq . i miss girlfriends ! & my anger's nt over yett . forget it fr nw ,dunt wish t talk abt it . my eyes are heavy & im signing off nw . im tired ppl ! takecare lovelies ((: and ohh . always have perseverance & self-cnfidence in whtever youre doing . so tht it'll become a better habit and make you step frward t a better scene of yr life .



Friday, July 3, 2009 8:53 PM

back eversince the holidays . holidays are quite pathetic & im kindda lazy too . yeayea ,lets talk about today . not much things hppened thou . back t sch & th routine are quite messy for nw . & its all thanks t H1N1 . Lol . today ,had only SS ,math ,eng & mt . then off hme . slacked w/ zie at rc for awhile & chatted . we're both pissed & dissed w/ this fucking someone . i shant scribble her name here . im still respecting her dignity . before you fucking wnna point fingers at others ,mirror yrslf too alrites ? im totally pissed for goddamn sake ! you cud have just asked for my fucking permission if you wnna do anything . its my privacy lah plss . you shudnt have done tht ,gawd . n now ,youre tryna put e blame on me ? i might talk behind your back ,bt does tht mean tht im saying all th bad things about you ?? w/o asking me wht has fucking hppened ,you wnna spout bullshit tht ive talked shits behind your back !? i just hate it . you can talk about othrs ,you can criticise them & all . bt yrslf ? have you ever tried asking tht youre not a perfectionist too ? you'd talked like as if youre perfect siaa . im nt tryna drag things up . bt i just wnna see wht else you are capable of . im just waiting for e perfect time . tick tock tick tock* im tired of everything . im tired of history repeating itslf . & to kalysa dearr ,im sorry tht ive been ignoring you at times . i dunt mean to ,darling . yknw i'd just dunt seemed t have th right opportunity . things chnged ,time flies . whts hppening nw is all fated . just knw tht you'll always have a place in my heart . ilysm syg♥ & t my othr gfs ,i'd love you guys too . fah ,qinah ,zulaiha ,azifah & ohh yahh ,nurul . if we're meant t be eternity friends ,we will . im just hoping we cud get bck our old days tgether . you girls knw i love each of you so much ! & qinah dearr ,i can really see youre changing . its really great t knw tht youre trying at yr hardest t prove t us tht you can b th old you ,th better you . im proud of you my dearr ! currently chatting w/ syafiq & fah . and O.o ,fah tld me smth . fah ,dunt b complicated kaay dear ? you just knew & its obviously nt yr fault . chillax aye ? at least ,ive updated for tday . yay ~ im still pissed right nw & i guess im off . takecare earthlings ((:
