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getting kinda close, almost love

Why am i in a dilemma?
Sunday, July 5, 2009 10:39 PM

Rain rain ,go away . Come again anuder day ~
phew ! finally did go out w/ family tday . at first ,mom & aunt planned t go uncle's crib at bedok . bt yeaa ,hes working . so ,cncelled . went t wdlnds instead . bought some things there ,nt really shopping thou . lol . ate dinner & went hme . quite boring also as theres nt much things there . bt its okaay . at least ,i'd get t spend time w/ bby iana & familia . bt sadly ,granny wasnt along . hmms . tday was raining almost th whole day . damn cold lahh sey ! aniwaes ,rmbred ystd . mom asked abt you . it was a sudden & i'd really hate tht part . im like out of words . "why arent you seemed t b frens w/ him nw ? smth must had hppened btwn you guys ." i'd just wished i cud tell mom everything . no ,i dunt wanna make her mad . bt i knw tht she knew it smehw either . moms always knw their children better . aftr one issue ,why must there b anothr ? life is full of challenges . hw i'd hope i cud b strong like those out there . nothing much t update tday . and ohhs ,cant upload pictures fr nw . smth's wrng w/ th comp . ugh (!) so ,sorries tht it has t b plain in th meanwhile . && tmrw no sch . YAY~ i'd just hope my sch would get quarantined . hahah ! lazy lahh oii . mendak mendak mendak ; nw texting cousin & brothr oli . chatting w/ syafiq . i miss girlfriends ! & my anger's nt over yett . forget it fr nw ,dunt wish t talk abt it . my eyes are heavy & im signing off nw . im tired ppl ! takecare lovelies ((: and ohh . always have perseverance & self-cnfidence in whtever youre doing . so tht it'll become a better habit and make you step frward t a better scene of yr life .
