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getting kinda close, almost love

Friday, July 3, 2009 8:53 PM

back eversince the holidays . holidays are quite pathetic & im kindda lazy too . yeayea ,lets talk about today . not much things hppened thou . back t sch & th routine are quite messy for nw . & its all thanks t H1N1 . Lol . today ,had only SS ,math ,eng & mt . then off hme . slacked w/ zie at rc for awhile & chatted . we're both pissed & dissed w/ this fucking someone . i shant scribble her name here . im still respecting her dignity . before you fucking wnna point fingers at others ,mirror yrslf too alrites ? im totally pissed for goddamn sake ! you cud have just asked for my fucking permission if you wnna do anything . its my privacy lah plss . you shudnt have done tht ,gawd . n now ,youre tryna put e blame on me ? i might talk behind your back ,bt does tht mean tht im saying all th bad things about you ?? w/o asking me wht has fucking hppened ,you wnna spout bullshit tht ive talked shits behind your back !? i just hate it . you can talk about othrs ,you can criticise them & all . bt yrslf ? have you ever tried asking tht youre not a perfectionist too ? you'd talked like as if youre perfect siaa . im nt tryna drag things up . bt i just wnna see wht else you are capable of . im just waiting for e perfect time . tick tock tick tock* im tired of everything . im tired of history repeating itslf . & to kalysa dearr ,im sorry tht ive been ignoring you at times . i dunt mean to ,darling . yknw i'd just dunt seemed t have th right opportunity . things chnged ,time flies . whts hppening nw is all fated . just knw tht you'll always have a place in my heart . ilysm syg♥ & t my othr gfs ,i'd love you guys too . fah ,qinah ,zulaiha ,azifah & ohh yahh ,nurul . if we're meant t be eternity friends ,we will . im just hoping we cud get bck our old days tgether . you girls knw i love each of you so much ! & qinah dearr ,i can really see youre changing . its really great t knw tht youre trying at yr hardest t prove t us tht you can b th old you ,th better you . im proud of you my dearr ! currently chatting w/ syafiq & fah . and O.o ,fah tld me smth . fah ,dunt b complicated kaay dear ? you just knew & its obviously nt yr fault . chillax aye ? at least ,ive updated for tday . yay ~ im still pissed right nw & i guess im off . takecare earthlings ((:
