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getting kinda close, almost love

Stress stress stress.
Saturday, July 11, 2009 6:27 PM

hey earthlings ~
sry fr nt updating lately . smth's hell wrng w my net & i cnt log in t blogger (!) & when im able t ,i cnt upload pichas . bloody kotek ! even ,im nw blogging at my aunt's hse . like finally luhh . ugh . so frustrated . i was so excited ystd tht ive gt my phne bck aftr a long-time-waiting-for-repairing . bt damn ! found out tht my phne's still sort smewhere . both my memory card & usb cable's spoiled ): wht am i bloody hell gtta do ? sighs ,sucha bad luck . just gtta bear w it then . lpas satu ,satu luhh . alamak ,geram nye ! stress ahh siaa . ): nvm ,im nw gnna scribble wht has hppened lately .

monday & tuesday :
lesson went s per usual . as fr mother tongue lesson ,maimunah dint come . so ,its like yay !
talk talk talk ,as per nrmal . aft sch ,went t library w gfs : fah qinah azifah nurul . aft tht ,went arnd cp ,accmpanied qinah buy her tops . then ,we went separate ways . qinah azifah & i went t houg & fah along w nurul tend t go bck hme . so yah . gt at houg and followed qinah t cotton on t buy her leggings . aft which ,qinah treated us donut empire since she jst gt her pay . yay ,thks darling ! (:

wednesday :
chosen students had t go fr health screening .
certain only siaa . why nt everyone eyh ?
checked & th nurse asked me wht i ate till i grow tall .
i said idk luhh . like wth ,how shud i knw luhh . ahaha .
i gt scared when they said its kindda tall fr my age . ):

thursday :
dint bring my chem hw & ohh im so called by mdm idamurni t stay bck aft sch t finish tht particlar exercise . ugh .
blablabla . farys also had t stay bck . everyone finished & went off . & yet ,im still struggling =.=' bt yay ,farys chose t wait fr me till im done . awww ,so sweet of you old-mate . thks farys ! then we both went t mdm ida's pigeon hole and hand up . like finally ! phew !

went outta sch & brothr miss called . called him bck & he tld me tht he'll be meeting me late as hes gg Giant first . ahaha . gt hme ,waited fr his miss call . while waiting ,went networking . blabla ,rain rain then ~ aiyaiyai . brothr texted saying t meet at cp at 5pm . kaay go ! walk walk walk . dint hear his calls and im so so sry . my phne was in silent mode . and he practically gave 6 miss calls . i panicked & called him bck . he sounded so sleepy ,yet asking me where am i . ahaha . sry dearest brothr . met him like finally & he was sleepy . he was almost gg hme ! thank god i manged t call him earlier . ahaha . its my fault even ,sry . asked him abt th essay outline . sempat sey* we were jst sitting by th blocks there ,since many seats are occupied . sme are dirty =.=' walked walked walked t find a perfect chair & table as i request of playing poker cards . he said okaay & we're off finding . while walking ,saw 7eleven . brothr wanted t buy redbull since he was so sleepy . ahaha . gt there ,saw hisham zulhusni & zakir . long time finding seats and tables ,finnaly gt one ! phew ! bt wth ,its smewhere arnd akak's hse . ciket peh dkt ! ahaha . brothr tld me t run jst t gt tht fucking seat bfre its occupied . ahaha . sat & play Stress then taiti . idk hw its spelled* crapped & played funny stupid games . i was dozing off soon . bt thks t brothr tht he suggested one funny stupid game tht alerted me . ahaha ! we both laughed like noone's business & keep asking stupid lame qns . funny siaa . aftr tht game ,we both went quiet . like bored bored ald ~ brothr's fren came by . yayaya . mom called ,asking wht time t cme hme . i said later ,ahaha . brothr wana go hme . so ,tend t send him t th bus stp . gt there ,a few buses past ald & yet he cud still say later . ahaha. we chatted & crapped spooky stuffs . theres this one part where he sang th misteri jam12 song . i disturbed him & he himslf gt scared . ahahahah ! his reactions funny luhh siaa . chat chat chat . laugh laugh laugh . cnt frgt tht moment . funny funny ! hes th one & only bestest brothr i had . kaki gerek nye orng ((: i love disturbing him . ahah .

friday :
sch was as per nrmal & i'd feel like im hating you mre . why must it b this way ? are you tryna put up a drama scene here ? ohh so no ,plss . im tired of everything . im tired of history repeating itslf . if you've gt smth t say ,say it right in my face . nt behind my bck plss . i hate it . your actions are jst tryna cmplicate me ,do y'knw tht ? im jst wishing fr a peaceful moment right nw . i might nt b updating this blog as usually i guess . due t all these shitts thts bugging me . im done here ((:
