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getting kinda close, almost love

Sunday, July 19, 2009 11:45 AM

like finally ,i could blog again ! aiyah ,idk where went sortsort sey . bt its okaay thou . idk where t begin . sme things in lyfe jst sucks big time (!) everything's jst as per nrmal & fr goddamn sake ,sch's jst getting plain boring ! seemed tht theres no mre exciting events coming up . and yeaaa ,so lets start off w sme ppl . firsly ,IWAN called me out of a sudden ystd (!) i thought it was asri who wanted t prank th hell outta me . bt no ,it was him . i was so shocked tht he came bck calling . talked talked talked . & true feeling ,im feeling very bad & guilty twards him . why is he calling me all tht ? why does he bother t call me up still ? why does he bother t even keep my numbr in his cntact still ? why does he keep asking fr it repeatedly aftr lotsa rejections . damn ,hes a nice guy . really is . im jst praying fr his happiness ,happiness tht he'll have throughout . im srry

next is anuder HYM . he was so sweet of thos phrases & care . i'd really appreciate it alot . bt idk ,i cnt predict anything fr nw . bt thks ________ . youre a nice guy . hes like giving me signs ,like wht kalysa tld me . bt i aint sure still . ahahas .

and YOU ! i cn see tht youre really tryna diss th hell outta me w yr stupid reactions & fucking irritating compliments ,thnks . if you wanna fucking talk abt me ,say it in my face bitch ! im sry t even call you tht . bt youre getting waaay over my nerves . im tryna cool dwn & jst forget abt it fr th first time . bt nt th second time bitch ! youre jst tryna test me . dunt think youre a big-headed & you wanna act like a big fcuk here . youre so getting me wrng . talk ,talk all you want behind my back . criticise me all you want . i jst wanna see how far you cn get w this . && ohh plss ,dunt tryna act like a perfect & innocent bitch infront of me . iknw who you are ,iknw wht youre like . jst gt over it bitch . im really tired of all your drama ,really does . youre sucha perfect DRAMA QUEEN ~

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