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getting kinda close, almost love

Monday, June 28, 2010 5:22 PM

Am i always too wrong?
Is this like gonna be the end soon?
I love GIRLFRIENDS alot, equally, never differentiating any sides.
But sometimes, people just don't know how you really feel inside without asking.

Happy Sixteenth, Akmal.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010 9:17 PM

Overdue pictures, just for fun.
First and foremost,

Akmal Syazwan bin Bapaknye. ♥
Happy happy sixteenth birthday to you. For all the wishes i've wished you at midnight, it's gonna be the same here. May Allah bless your life and give you happiness that you could ever ask on this day. Keep on studying smart and may success leads your upcoming life next. For all the times you've been there for me, i thank you for the listening ears that are willing to hear me out when no one seemed to be bothered and also for the advices you've poured me with. You've been a great brother yet an awesome best friend that never fails to make me laugh. And lastly, last long with Alin no matter how deep a conflict between you both could get on to. I want to see the happiness in you when being with Alin since she's the only girl that could mend every broken pieces of yours. Stay strong and keep on smiling like how you always seemed to hide those sadness and confusions within you because im sure that you can be much stronger than what you already are now. Be the boy that makes your family proud of you. Eventhough yesterday's planning seemed to be kind of cocked up, but i'd hope you did still have some fun. We just want to see you happy and smiling. Overall, it was nothing much, all just for you brother. Happy birthday again, best friend. 
Akmal's mini-celebration from us.

Guys, i wanna thank you all so much for making it happen still despite the weather.
And to those who can't attend yet give out, thank you so much! Even Akmal was glad.
Thank you for all the contributions and commitment you all have played a part in for all these.
Lastly to my awesomest girls, we had great times together aren't we? We should all do that again.
I love you all, XOXO.

Monday, June 21, 2010 11:07 AM

Saturday, 19 June ; Jurong Swimming Pool with family.
Sunday, 20 June ; Wedding Invitation at Bedok.
Ianabby ;
Was supposed to meet Amirul at Compasspoint at evening to collect the outing money, but cancelled.
Chilled under void deck with the accompany of chocolate oreo bubble tea, Fiqah & Ianabby.

That's all for the weekend. Gonna be preety busy from now.
I miss my girls & beloved cousins!
Toodles. (:

Friday, June 18, 2010 8:45 PM

Hello people.
Just alil update here cause Fahbby told me so.
Alright, nothing to update much. Tomorrow going swimming.
And can't wait for Tuesday too. Hoping to have some fun before school reopens.
Currently chatting with Lailabby, Fahbby and Wan Cine. As for Lailabby, cheer up okay? 
Don't think too much and hack care about that damn arsehole. He'll get karma soon if he dares so.
Alright, that's all for now. Im so loving my peoples! Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaa, this is for Fahbby. Chao ~

Happy Sixteenth, Iffah.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:31 AM

Iffah Basirah bte Bapaknye. 
Happy birthday to you. Im sorry i didn't get to wish you at midnight sharp as i was preety busy accompanied by chats here and there. So therefore, i am here again to wish you a happy happy birthday. May happiness and success comes rolling your way. Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki. Despite the biggest conflict we once had, i still love you. And i want you to know that, i am still hoping the very best for our friendship. I'll always be here if you need a shoulder to cry on. Aside from that, stay strong in all ups and downs you're overcoming now. I am sure these obstacles will make you a stronger person. Have fun today, and again, just so you know that i cherish you much. I miss you, Xoxo.

Happy Sixteenth, Khaliesah.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 2:04 PM

Nur Khaliesah bte Bapaknye. ♥
Happy Sixteenth Birthday, dear. I hope i was the first person to wish you when it strikes midnight. May all your wishes come true and may success and happiness leads your way. Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki. May you be surrounded with all your loved ones that could provide you love, care and concern that you need. Study smart and stay gorgeous. And not forgetting, last long long with Maman alright? May he be the prince to your heart everafter. Sorry that i had no presents, just a small gift and a wish. Apart from our friendship that's straining apart now, i'd still hope that this friendship will live for long that it could possibly be. I love you, despite what had happened. No matter what, you're still one of my awesomest friends. I wanna thank you for those times you were there for me and being my listening ears. And for every treats and all, i thank you again. I was grateful much towards you. Lastly, take good  care of your health and never fail to put on a smile to your face no matter what happens. If you need a friend, i would gladly be there for you. Happy Birthday, girlfriend. I hope that today will be the happening day of your life. Xoxo.

Sunday, June 13, 2010 11:12 PM

Too disappointed to tell.
Forgive and forget?
Fxck. :'(

Thanks alot, bbyg.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010 1:43 PM

Lailabby ♥

First of all, i wanna thanks bbyg for willing to update for me again as what she've mentioned, i was too distracted to blog. So as to keep this blog alive and rather not boring, i asked for her favor. Despite that, thanks for yesterday. Thanks for willing to hear me out in the middle of the night. I guess i was too depressed or perhaps in a dilemma still. Lailabby, i didn't expect you to post all those for me. I was touched yet at ease. Thank you so much dear. And i will try my best to overcome everything okay? I love you so much, girlfriend.

Not to my expectation yesterday, i saw someone. And when the moment i saw that particular person, my eyes were almost filled with tears. Seeing you with your friends, i was just imagining that i could go up to you and say "Hi, it's been so long since we last met and catch up with each other's lives. How are you?" How i'd wished the moment i saw you, we could start a conversation. But no, it's all for the best that i pulled Mom along and walked faster ahead and not turning back. Indeed, i very well wanted to have another glance at you but no. I've gotta fight for the best and move on. I don't even know whether you noticed me or even care to bother. Since that moment, i started tearing and kept rewinding everything all over back again. No, Sha. You can't be like this all the time. You have to be stronger than what you already are. And im sure i can, insyaAllah. Sometimes, i don't even know whether whatever im doing is either right or wrong. The feeling is just so stroing and i'd really hope that it'll all go away soon. Real soon so as to not let me tear day and night again and again. I had enough of suffering and bearing with all of these feelings. God, please help me. I plead. :'(

Awal Ashaari ♥

Zainabby, you know what?! I had a dream yesterday that when we were having our family day out, we met Awal! We were so eager that we started taking pictures with him. Zomg! It was so fun yet unbelievable. Despite that, we got the opportunity to have great conversations and jokes with him.  Oh my gosh, it was so fun, i swear! Just to share, yes, that was my unbelievable dream of all. Even if that was only a dream, i am just so eager and excited myself. Haha! Well, who knows it might come true one day. *cross fingers* Damn, i admire this hotstuff. <333


Lala, Like A G A I N :D
12:20 AM

A S S A L A M U A L A I K U M :D

Refraining for Sha's blog to be dusty, Lala Heroine is here to save her blog. *flips hair* Aiseeeeey.
H E E. Joking. So, Sha's not in an awesome mood today, like really not in the mood lah, ass. So its like im her favour right now to update her blog okaay people ? And basically, you know how nonsensical i am kan ? So bare with it kay ?  What im doing right now is chatting with Dear , he's away for the moment to attend some duties with Mama. Here i am typing for my Deary Girlfriend. Sha was not feeling awesome, so people, go her house now and make her feel better kay ? Korang buat lah apape till she's happy, kenal ke tk kenal, add me at msn to ask for her address kay ? lala_this-is-just-for-laughs@83668399.com.sk. So people, P L E A S E add me now kay ? If korang tk buat Sha happy, siap korang, aku kejar mcm mak ayam biol. H E E. Eh, ive got nothing much to type here uh, so to keep it 'so like summary style',  craps out. Kay im so blank. Lets story. There's this girl, (tkya tau name kay) im like so fucked up with her attitude. So NO ORIGINALITY. Ayai, is it that difficult to creat your own style babe ? If so, please, do you mind, read some fashion magazine or any photographic information ? Apodaah. And so, im just B O R E D. :D 
Kay im outta here. Off to mines ! http://lalamakesitreal.blogspot.com ♥ 

♥ Ayyshah Deary ♥

Girlfriend, firstly, i want you to relax and free your mind kay. Like serious shit, when i say serious + shit, i mean it taw. So do it now eh babe. Basically, i know how you're feeling right now, as ive experienced that too. You know kan ? What i did was, i insert my head in the toilet bowl and flush it down several times. H A H A ! That was funny, (you better laugh eh, fake pon tkpe). Kay mepek. *slaps my face* Okay, lala serious. First step, think of the bad times you had with that person, those bad stuff that person did till made you tears all over, be angry with that person, YES, be angry. Dont ever be sad, STOP rewinding the sweet moments, those good times you had, those memories, burn those. Dont ever cry and let those stubborn eyes of yours let a tear out, if they are, slap them in front of your mirror and laugh. Kay, that was stupid, but please, try it out. It'll make you feel better though its stupid or lame can i say. If you dont have the mood to attend those stuff, force yourself babe, please. You cant let your soul control you, before they control you, you control them. Just stop wasting those tears for an ungrateful and heartless person. What for feel sad, what for cry ? Its stupid, yes it is babe. Its just not worth it. If you cry till your eyes pops out, it still wont rewind the time kan ? So please, get rid of those and be calm kaay ? Iloveyou Gf. I just hope you'll feel better when you read this and this is useful. 

Much loves, 
                                    Lala, your nonsense.  



Saturday, June 5, 2010 10:42 PM

First and foremost, thanks alot Lailabby for willing to update for me.
Andand, the songs too! ^^.
Overdue picture with Lil' bitch of mine.
Isn't Lysha just so cute? Right lala? 
I'd thought i just wanna brush up a short while of what has happened for today.
Arab Street with Mom and Aunt to find their scarfs for Kak Nor's wedding.
Afterwhich, went Courts awhile and had our dinner at Jalan Kayu.
I had Murtabak~ Yumyum! Really full and im off to watch tv.
Ignore stupid, irrits faces of mine, due to boredom. :D
Good night. Love you, Lailabby!

Lala's ♥
4:35 PM

Assalamualaikum. Lala here :D 
So lately, si Sha ni busy with her stuff. As a result, here i am updating for her. I myself am busy with holiday assignments and f&n courseworks. In a while just now, I have just updated and change her blog songs for her like how she wants it. Aiyoo. Sha and I tired liao with coursework. Im attending my decision making now. L E C E H. Yesterday's intensive was worth it, luckily we came, Qinah Syiqin and Nurul was absent yesterday. Why i say worth it ? We complete our researches and evaluation yesterday. Phew. Due to the lack of time, Sha was enable to complete her research in time and therefore i accompanied her till nearly 4pm while intensive ends at 3pm. I completed my research in time and already handed in. Well.. *flips hair*. hee. Joking. Ohya, i wanna tell ya guys smtg. The day before yesterday, during our intensive lesson, Akmal farted twice. Loud enough till Sha and i heard it. L O L. Then, lesson end and Sha went over to my house to complete her research while i complete my evaluation. Ibu ordered Pizza babe. As soon as the delivery came, i rushed to get it as we were hungry like cave-womans, only me indeed, Sha chillax je. 
H A H A. Okay okay, i guess im done crapping Sha's blog. Off to mine's ! With love ♥  
~ T O O D L E S ~



Wednesday, June 2, 2010 11:05 PM

They are so cuteeee! ^^

I miss this Minah and Mat of mine badly now. Slept over at their crib for the past few days and had lotsa fun. Ain't gonna do a proper update yet, but soon will. Gonna be hell busy with tons of holiday assignments to be done. Andand ohh, there's school tomorrow from 8.30am to 3pm. Shagged. For f&n coursework. Aww, i hate courseworks. Going to bed now since there's school tomorrow, or else i'll overslept again and again. And yes, SLEEQ is my new obsession now. Hehe, good night.