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getting kinda close, almost love

Thanks alot, bbyg.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010 1:43 PM

Lailabby ♥

First of all, i wanna thanks bbyg for willing to update for me again as what she've mentioned, i was too distracted to blog. So as to keep this blog alive and rather not boring, i asked for her favor. Despite that, thanks for yesterday. Thanks for willing to hear me out in the middle of the night. I guess i was too depressed or perhaps in a dilemma still. Lailabby, i didn't expect you to post all those for me. I was touched yet at ease. Thank you so much dear. And i will try my best to overcome everything okay? I love you so much, girlfriend.

Not to my expectation yesterday, i saw someone. And when the moment i saw that particular person, my eyes were almost filled with tears. Seeing you with your friends, i was just imagining that i could go up to you and say "Hi, it's been so long since we last met and catch up with each other's lives. How are you?" How i'd wished the moment i saw you, we could start a conversation. But no, it's all for the best that i pulled Mom along and walked faster ahead and not turning back. Indeed, i very well wanted to have another glance at you but no. I've gotta fight for the best and move on. I don't even know whether you noticed me or even care to bother. Since that moment, i started tearing and kept rewinding everything all over back again. No, Sha. You can't be like this all the time. You have to be stronger than what you already are. And im sure i can, insyaAllah. Sometimes, i don't even know whether whatever im doing is either right or wrong. The feeling is just so stroing and i'd really hope that it'll all go away soon. Real soon so as to not let me tear day and night again and again. I had enough of suffering and bearing with all of these feelings. God, please help me. I plead. :'(

Awal Ashaari ♥

Zainabby, you know what?! I had a dream yesterday that when we were having our family day out, we met Awal! We were so eager that we started taking pictures with him. Zomg! It was so fun yet unbelievable. Despite that, we got the opportunity to have great conversations and jokes with him.  Oh my gosh, it was so fun, i swear! Just to share, yes, that was my unbelievable dream of all. Even if that was only a dream, i am just so eager and excited myself. Haha! Well, who knows it might come true one day. *cross fingers* Damn, i admire this hotstuff. <333