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getting kinda close, almost love

Lala's ♥
Saturday, June 5, 2010 4:35 PM

Assalamualaikum. Lala here :D 
So lately, si Sha ni busy with her stuff. As a result, here i am updating for her. I myself am busy with holiday assignments and f&n courseworks. In a while just now, I have just updated and change her blog songs for her like how she wants it. Aiyoo. Sha and I tired liao with coursework. Im attending my decision making now. L E C E H. Yesterday's intensive was worth it, luckily we came, Qinah Syiqin and Nurul was absent yesterday. Why i say worth it ? We complete our researches and evaluation yesterday. Phew. Due to the lack of time, Sha was enable to complete her research in time and therefore i accompanied her till nearly 4pm while intensive ends at 3pm. I completed my research in time and already handed in. Well.. *flips hair*. hee. Joking. Ohya, i wanna tell ya guys smtg. The day before yesterday, during our intensive lesson, Akmal farted twice. Loud enough till Sha and i heard it. L O L. Then, lesson end and Sha went over to my house to complete her research while i complete my evaluation. Ibu ordered Pizza babe. As soon as the delivery came, i rushed to get it as we were hungry like cave-womans, only me indeed, Sha chillax je. 
H A H A. Okay okay, i guess im done crapping Sha's blog. Off to mine's ! With love ♥  
~ T O O D L E S ~
