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getting kinda close, almost love

Lala, Like A G A I N :D
Tuesday, June 8, 2010 12:20 AM

A S S A L A M U A L A I K U M :D

Refraining for Sha's blog to be dusty, Lala Heroine is here to save her blog. *flips hair* Aiseeeeey.
H E E. Joking. So, Sha's not in an awesome mood today, like really not in the mood lah, ass. So its like im her favour right now to update her blog okaay people ? And basically, you know how nonsensical i am kan ? So bare with it kay ?  What im doing right now is chatting with Dear , he's away for the moment to attend some duties with Mama. Here i am typing for my Deary Girlfriend. Sha was not feeling awesome, so people, go her house now and make her feel better kay ? Korang buat lah apape till she's happy, kenal ke tk kenal, add me at msn to ask for her address kay ? lala_this-is-just-for-laughs@83668399.com.sk. So people, P L E A S E add me now kay ? If korang tk buat Sha happy, siap korang, aku kejar mcm mak ayam biol. H E E. Eh, ive got nothing much to type here uh, so to keep it 'so like summary style',  craps out. Kay im so blank. Lets story. There's this girl, (tkya tau name kay) im like so fucked up with her attitude. So NO ORIGINALITY. Ayai, is it that difficult to creat your own style babe ? If so, please, do you mind, read some fashion magazine or any photographic information ? Apodaah. And so, im just B O R E D. :D 
Kay im outta here. Off to mines ! http://lalamakesitreal.blogspot.com ♥ 

♥ Ayyshah Deary ♥

Girlfriend, firstly, i want you to relax and free your mind kay. Like serious shit, when i say serious + shit, i mean it taw. So do it now eh babe. Basically, i know how you're feeling right now, as ive experienced that too. You know kan ? What i did was, i insert my head in the toilet bowl and flush it down several times. H A H A ! That was funny, (you better laugh eh, fake pon tkpe). Kay mepek. *slaps my face* Okay, lala serious. First step, think of the bad times you had with that person, those bad stuff that person did till made you tears all over, be angry with that person, YES, be angry. Dont ever be sad, STOP rewinding the sweet moments, those good times you had, those memories, burn those. Dont ever cry and let those stubborn eyes of yours let a tear out, if they are, slap them in front of your mirror and laugh. Kay, that was stupid, but please, try it out. It'll make you feel better though its stupid or lame can i say. If you dont have the mood to attend those stuff, force yourself babe, please. You cant let your soul control you, before they control you, you control them. Just stop wasting those tears for an ungrateful and heartless person. What for feel sad, what for cry ? Its stupid, yes it is babe. Its just not worth it. If you cry till your eyes pops out, it still wont rewind the time kan ? So please, get rid of those and be calm kaay ? Iloveyou Gf. I just hope you'll feel better when you read this and this is useful. 

Much loves, 
                                    Lala, your nonsense.  
