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getting kinda close, almost love

Friday, May 29, 2009 9:38 PM

Yesterday was supposed to be a girls day out for all of us. But darn it, some of them can't make it. Like wth? Sighs. But its okay, we shall made it up for another outing okaayy? it a MUST for korang. Wish you girls were there too yesterday. Its like as if the puzzle is not complete. Hmms, its okay. But we did enjoyed somehow. The four of us, yeaa. MRT-ed to vivo to catch Night At The Museum 2. The movie was quite nice & funny. But nevertheless alil boring. Hahas. Girls, i uploaded certain pictures only tau. Mostly are not editted, hee. Lazy lah. So, spent the day with these bitches that made my day! Was not in the mood to go actually. Had some quarrels with mom somehow? Sighs. Don't wanna talk about it. They successfully made me smile & laugh like nobody's business. Thanks awesomest girls for the day and the treat, zulaiha! Ilysm babes♥ Sucha sad thing the three of them couldn't make it. Its okay. Okay, enough of yesterday. Had fun, yes. But let's summer up about today. GAH! Nothing much in school, just doing filing mostly. Watched movies here & there. Enough of it. Slept at class till recess time, huhu. Tired siaa. Do some clean-ups since its the last day of school. Hoho! And damn, got the report books backkk! Shiatt. Sashnu & fah was like freaking their ass out. Haha. Mrs Lee told us that she've called our parents, so that's why they don't have to come down. I'd guess we all did badly for mye this year. Hmms. Fah & Sashnu was like WTH?! Haha. Mom and Dad must be disappointed in me. SIGHS. Im sorry, parents. I'd hope to do a better one for eoy. Im sorry that i'd let you down. Even, today's very soggy. Bored bored bored. A few people only went online. Pathetic babe! And now im on the comp, editting pictures. WTH? I guess im signing off. No mood to blog nowadays. Cya people around! Just a few pictures uploaded, hee. Takecares.




Tired, dead, all unexpected.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 5:27 PM

Things just worsen? There are just so many things to think of. Gotten the exam results. Bad bad bad. Failed 3 & passed 3. Like wth? Just don't feel like blogging due to all these that are happening. I guess i shant list it out. My studies are bad as my results had shown. My family is not in a good condition, what more mom. I pity her. Mom, stay strong and make sure that nothing lets you down. Hang in there. Everything's gonna be alright. Just don't worry so much that might worsen your condition. School's as per normal. Checked papers and do corrections and blablabla. I felt restless today, idk why. Laughed with homies like nobody's business. Hahas, missed those. You, i just don't understand you. What's your intention? What's your motive? After all these while, you still wanna hurt me? Is it aint enough of all those shits? Are you tryna make up stories to put all the blame on me? What will you get in exhchange? Revenge? Happiness? I aint that type of a cheap fucking bitch you can throw at. Try me and i'll show you what im capable of, arse! Damn, you're just making that sense of hatred stronger. Im disappointed with you. Sucha freak, you motherfucker! Im blind that i did a mistake by trusting you on your lips but you're having a heart of devil. I just wanna know the truth. And better not even YOU are gonna stop me from knowing it, son of a bitch. I guess i shant go any longer. It might just blow me further. Its just getting too much of you. I've had enough. I've tried hard to baree with it since last year. I've made an effort. An effort to understand you and heal things to good. But i don't see that effort of yours growing. You can't just expect me to kneel before you and make me like your fucking dog. I've had enough, i swear. You're just being too childish at times. Even, unreasonable to certain things. You just don't understand me. You don't. Grow up. I've had totally enough. My mistake was having to choose you.

Lastly, to my awesomest girlfriends. I know we can work things out together this time. We've been through lots and different kinds of shits. Why not this time? I shouldn't really list everything out, i won't. But gfs, don't give up. Its hard, its tiring. But look at the friendship we've built till now, this moment. We're happy aren't we? We've gotta stop all those bad habits alright? We should treat everyone equally. We can't be childish at these stage. Its saddening when i really think of what's happening right now. I won't regret even if i shed millions of tears just for you girls, i won't. Because i know you girls were the best bitches anyone could have. I don't want to lose any of you. None. I just want you guys to know that you guys were my awesomest thing & i love you girls hell lots that im thinking of each of you right now. Worst come to worst, we're still gonna be together, right? Don't give up. Every single of you is deep in my heart. No matter how bad you guys are, i still cherished you like my own. Y'knw ily guys. Take good care of each of yourselves tau. Don't let anything bring you down. You girls are my strongest bitches. Keep smiling and you can overcome everything. That was what being said by qinah, hahas. Aku sayang korang♥



Backkk in Action!
Sunday, May 24, 2009 8:23 PM

She remembers it all,
All the people who had said
They cared, but did they really?

She remembers it all,
The sound of laughter and
How happy she'd been, but was she really?

She remembers it all,
His arms around her and
He said "i love you", but did he really?

She remembers it all,
The pain she'd felt when he left,
How'd her heart ached, but was it really?

She remembers it all,
The feeling of being so alone,
The feeling no one cared, but did they really?

But now they'll remember her,
Staring at the knife in her hand
How easy to slit her wrists, but will she really?

*Will upload soon of the other events happening & that has happened.
And to girlfriends, i'd really hope we could work this out together. I love you guys & may eternity be with us, darls <333>



Gonna be inactive for some time.
Sunday, May 3, 2009 4:13 PM

Not gonna update that often due to mye around the corner. My recent days are plain boring, i swear. Its like as if, this life means nothing? Sighs. Just roughly share what happened to these dull days. Friday: Went down to cp with zulaiha to do some revision. Got there, peeped qinah since she's working that day. Kfc-ed, and then qinah called. Accompanied her for her break. We then requested for a FREE pizzzzza! It was awesomely superrb eventhou its small, hahas. Thanks bitch! After sitting around cp till 7pm, decided to walk home. Gawd, im getting bored of cp. Zulaiha tagged as her parents wasn't at home. She stayed over till 1.30am. Had laughters and jokes in the middle of the night when both mom and dad were soundly asleep. Unforgettable* Sat: Nothing much. Met zulaiha and she followed to granny house. Played around with lil bby cousin as she's awesomely cutee! Mom had plannings, but was cancelled. Then, decided to go pkms to watch brother and the rest training. Had lotsa funn. Adib and his cracky jokes! Haha. Zulaiha and i went off first as mom told me to tag her to get some stuffs. Geez, boring! At night, texted dearest brother. Blablabla, called him at 12am and we chatted on the phone with lotsa crapps. Haha. That's him when he's sleepy. Lol. Today: Got up and had to fry nuggets!? LOL. Then gotta help mom clean up the whole house since she's sickk. Ohh mann! After all is done, gonna get my homework done by then. BORED BORED BORED. Nothing much to update right now. Wait for a better tomorrow and let me tell the whole world what's exciting in my life next =.='
