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getting kinda close, almost love

Friday, May 29, 2009 9:38 PM

Yesterday was supposed to be a girls day out for all of us. But darn it, some of them can't make it. Like wth? Sighs. But its okay, we shall made it up for another outing okaayy? it a MUST for korang. Wish you girls were there too yesterday. Its like as if the puzzle is not complete. Hmms, its okay. But we did enjoyed somehow. The four of us, yeaa. MRT-ed to vivo to catch Night At The Museum 2. The movie was quite nice & funny. But nevertheless alil boring. Hahas. Girls, i uploaded certain pictures only tau. Mostly are not editted, hee. Lazy lah. So, spent the day with these bitches that made my day! Was not in the mood to go actually. Had some quarrels with mom somehow? Sighs. Don't wanna talk about it. They successfully made me smile & laugh like nobody's business. Thanks awesomest girls for the day and the treat, zulaiha! Ilysm babes♥ Sucha sad thing the three of them couldn't make it. Its okay. Okay, enough of yesterday. Had fun, yes. But let's summer up about today. GAH! Nothing much in school, just doing filing mostly. Watched movies here & there. Enough of it. Slept at class till recess time, huhu. Tired siaa. Do some clean-ups since its the last day of school. Hoho! And damn, got the report books backkk! Shiatt. Sashnu & fah was like freaking their ass out. Haha. Mrs Lee told us that she've called our parents, so that's why they don't have to come down. I'd guess we all did badly for mye this year. Hmms. Fah & Sashnu was like WTH?! Haha. Mom and Dad must be disappointed in me. SIGHS. Im sorry, parents. I'd hope to do a better one for eoy. Im sorry that i'd let you down. Even, today's very soggy. Bored bored bored. A few people only went online. Pathetic babe! And now im on the comp, editting pictures. WTH? I guess im signing off. No mood to blog nowadays. Cya people around! Just a few pictures uploaded, hee. Takecares.

