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getting kinda close, almost love

Gonna be inactive for some time.
Sunday, May 3, 2009 4:13 PM

Not gonna update that often due to mye around the corner. My recent days are plain boring, i swear. Its like as if, this life means nothing? Sighs. Just roughly share what happened to these dull days. Friday: Went down to cp with zulaiha to do some revision. Got there, peeped qinah since she's working that day. Kfc-ed, and then qinah called. Accompanied her for her break. We then requested for a FREE pizzzzza! It was awesomely superrb eventhou its small, hahas. Thanks bitch! After sitting around cp till 7pm, decided to walk home. Gawd, im getting bored of cp. Zulaiha tagged as her parents wasn't at home. She stayed over till 1.30am. Had laughters and jokes in the middle of the night when both mom and dad were soundly asleep. Unforgettable* Sat: Nothing much. Met zulaiha and she followed to granny house. Played around with lil bby cousin as she's awesomely cutee! Mom had plannings, but was cancelled. Then, decided to go pkms to watch brother and the rest training. Had lotsa funn. Adib and his cracky jokes! Haha. Zulaiha and i went off first as mom told me to tag her to get some stuffs. Geez, boring! At night, texted dearest brother. Blablabla, called him at 12am and we chatted on the phone with lotsa crapps. Haha. That's him when he's sleepy. Lol. Today: Got up and had to fry nuggets!? LOL. Then gotta help mom clean up the whole house since she's sickk. Ohh mann! After all is done, gonna get my homework done by then. BORED BORED BORED. Nothing much to update right now. Wait for a better tomorrow and let me tell the whole world what's exciting in my life next =.='
