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getting kinda close, almost love

Screwed with studies, damn!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 7:19 PM

Just got home from a group study with zulaiha, khaliesah, nurul, hafiz, asy, ainun, nazu and afan. Hahas. Lately, being busy with certain stuffs. Planned for consultations since tuesday. But end up, not even one was successful. How pissed am i!? Well, Mdm Ida was not well since monday. Sh'eve lost her voice and so, she didnt attend school today. Fine, i'd undrstand that. Thought of going for the history then. But then, Mrs Kuan wasn't in. Wth!? End up studying in the library with these awesome people. Had laughters and craps while on the way out with lisa and zulaiha. Haha, freaking funny! Zulaiha then suggested slacking under my block for awhilesince we had fun. Got there, laugh like no one's business, haha. Just on the net for a short while right now. Gotta get back to books soooon! Gah. Looking forward to friday? Hoping to go somewhere to chill and relax my mind. Exams are just NEXT WEEK! Gawd, gotta work harder. Hopefully, i could. Mom, get well soon okaay? We're all praying for you. Brother Oli, looking forward to this friday if there aint any planning alrights? And yes, cheeeeer upp dearest brother. Will always be here for you. Till here i guess. I've gotta run. Takecare lovely people (:

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Boredom strikes!
Saturday, April 25, 2009 11:02 PM

Home home home. Getting your ass around the house the whole day is darnly boring to the core! Never was like this before. Hmm. Now, texting brother, asy, azifah. Usually, they're the ones i'll find when it starts to irritate me sitting still for some time. Math assignments given are obviously not done yet. Sighs. Gotta lots to work on. Shiat. Time's flying faster and things are changing faster too. How long will all these end? I felt so tired, defendless. At times, i just don't know what im thinking of. Things just tend to be complicated? Now, why am i thinking of you? I'd thought you're totally gone from my life. But still, those broken bits still lies within me. All the times we've spent together. Its just a sudden feeling that i'd miss you. Whatever it is, im still praying for your happiness. Last long alright? My mind's being half-dead. Its so messy that i can't even think straight. I'd hope i could really do something that really can change this situation. How i'd wish so. This family, this friendship, this dilemma. Now, im just aiming to be a better daughter, a better friend, a better sister. And a better girlfriend one day. Okay, im in no mood now. Going off to chill. Anyway, thanks peeps for linking up alrights? Love you guys ahh. Takecare, goodnight.



Get well soon, dear mom.
Thursday, April 23, 2009 8:26 PM

Went to school today. As usual, my awesme friends made my day despite all the problems. Planning to go for consultationson math, physics and chemistry next week. No time to waste as exams are around the corner. Sighs. I'd hope i'll not disappoint mom and dad again this time round. I've totally slacked for chemistry and physics. Still working on math. Lots to work on. Courseworks not done yet. And one thing, mom. I love you dearly and i'll always pray for you that you'll get well soon. I want the mom i used to have, smiling and laughing along. Not being extremely stressed up and crying day by day thinking of all these. We love you and we always wants the best for you. Don't ever think that we want you to end up in some kind of difficulties and pressure. Dad, lil brothers and i will always be behind you. No matter what happens. I just want you to know how i feel deep inside. I want that smile of yours back again to enlighten this house. You're the best mother i've ever own and im greatful, i swear. I can't help seeing you in this condition anymore. I'll tend to breakdown whenever a tear of yours flow down your cheeks. Cheer up, okaay? Get well soon, mom. We love you. Hoping that i'll get hold with this flow of life soon.

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Sitting home all day long.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 10:24 PM

Well, today's kindda soggy. Not saying that only today, bt mostly of the days. Sighs. Been having certain problems at home, myself and my studies. Ugh! I'd have no idea why things seemed to be so different now. I understand that things change. But i kindda hate it when it comes to the matters of life. I mean, friendship, family, life and all. Its unpredictable, yes. But im really hoping there's solutions to all these as soon as possible! I can't stand having stand alone in this state of life. I want true friends that really will be by my side whenever i need them. I want a happy family that will stand throughout with me, pouring all those happiness, love and care. At times, i'll just cry things out to myself. No longer having a boyfriend that's willing to hear me out, no more "two bestfriends" i used to share everything. Things now seemed to be weird and complicated. I don't blame anyone or anything. Its fate that takes us to this path we are right now. It just feel so lonely at times. Past were past. Nothing could retrieve it back. I just missed having to live my life when i was younger. Things were so great before, unlike now. Hmm. Didn't go to school today cos i was sorta lazy, nevertheless not feeling that well. Feeling very weak and helpless. Still, with assignments and courseworks not done yett. Sighs. Missing my girlfs! <3
