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getting kinda close, almost love

Boredom strikes!
Saturday, April 25, 2009 11:02 PM

Home home home. Getting your ass around the house the whole day is darnly boring to the core! Never was like this before. Hmm. Now, texting brother, asy, azifah. Usually, they're the ones i'll find when it starts to irritate me sitting still for some time. Math assignments given are obviously not done yet. Sighs. Gotta lots to work on. Shiat. Time's flying faster and things are changing faster too. How long will all these end? I felt so tired, defendless. At times, i just don't know what im thinking of. Things just tend to be complicated? Now, why am i thinking of you? I'd thought you're totally gone from my life. But still, those broken bits still lies within me. All the times we've spent together. Its just a sudden feeling that i'd miss you. Whatever it is, im still praying for your happiness. Last long alright? My mind's being half-dead. Its so messy that i can't even think straight. I'd hope i could really do something that really can change this situation. How i'd wish so. This family, this friendship, this dilemma. Now, im just aiming to be a better daughter, a better friend, a better sister. And a better girlfriend one day. Okay, im in no mood now. Going off to chill. Anyway, thanks peeps for linking up alrights? Love you guys ahh. Takecare, goodnight.
