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getting kinda close, almost love

Get well soon, dear mom.
Thursday, April 23, 2009 8:26 PM

Went to school today. As usual, my awesme friends made my day despite all the problems. Planning to go for consultationson math, physics and chemistry next week. No time to waste as exams are around the corner. Sighs. I'd hope i'll not disappoint mom and dad again this time round. I've totally slacked for chemistry and physics. Still working on math. Lots to work on. Courseworks not done yet. And one thing, mom. I love you dearly and i'll always pray for you that you'll get well soon. I want the mom i used to have, smiling and laughing along. Not being extremely stressed up and crying day by day thinking of all these. We love you and we always wants the best for you. Don't ever think that we want you to end up in some kind of difficulties and pressure. Dad, lil brothers and i will always be behind you. No matter what happens. I just want you to know how i feel deep inside. I want that smile of yours back again to enlighten this house. You're the best mother i've ever own and im greatful, i swear. I can't help seeing you in this condition anymore. I'll tend to breakdown whenever a tear of yours flow down your cheeks. Cheer up, okaay? Get well soon, mom. We love you. Hoping that i'll get hold with this flow of life soon.

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