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getting kinda close, almost love

Happy Birthday, Malik.
Sunday, May 30, 2010 1:46 AM

Despite anything, i still love this ass.
Usop dearest, ♥♥.

Happy Birthday, Malik.
Eventhough it was a small celebration just now, i'd hope you had fun.
May Allah bless you with happiness & success in life and may you be encircled among your loved ones.
So, celebrated Malik's birthday just now and attended two open houses, which is Aunt's and Uncle's together.
And Zainabby sleeping over at my crib for today, yay! Will soon sleep over at yours next week. That's all for today.
Im so lovin' my awesomest pills ; Usop dearest & Zainabby


Wednesday, May 26, 2010 10:36 PM

Zainabby ♥ ;
Met her, Usop and Malik just now.
Had fun and craps as usual. Great times spent together.
Meeting them again this Saturday and off to town maybe, awaiting for it!
Lots to think about but im just gonna leave it just like that for a moment. I need a breather.
I love this minah-cousin of mine, people! *Minah eh Ina? :P

Monday, May 24, 2010 11:16 PM

The day was spent with Qinahbby. 
Accompanied her to T1 to look for stuffs. 
And by the way, Kaseh looked so gorgeous.
Jyeaah, undeniable. Lol. Good night now.

Sunday, May 23, 2010 12:37 PM

Yesterday, we went to a very typical visiting place in Singapore.
Which is.. the Singapore Zoological Garden!
Random though, but it was all a carnival of free tickets Aunt got.
Let just the pictures do the talking alright?
Afterwhich, went to meet Ziebby at her birthday pit at Pasir Ris park with Lailabby at evening. The pit was all filled with people we don't know. So yeah, it was preety awkward. Thank goodness there was Asri. Ate and all. Then headed home. Sorry we were acting like fucktards yesterday when we even know that it was your day. Im really sorry, darling. I felt really bad. Thanks for the invitation that lastly brought me to finally meet you after for so long. And get well soon, gorgeous. :(
Happy Belated Birthday Nur Azifah Bte Jamal.
Despite that, you'd still have my wishes and prayers with you.
May happiness and success be with you through whatever or anything.
Don't lose those smiles and also, may you last long with boyfriend that loves you.
We really should hang out together soon and spend ample time together. I miss you alot.

I love you.


Let me be alone.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 8:19 PM

The day was shagged and pathetic. Exams are finally over and next, gonna shiver for the upcoming results. After one, why must be another? I never knew that you would suddenly said all those. Yes, till the very moment now i have not texted nor update you with anything since you last texted me. Because i felt that i need some space to be alone and think. I don't even know whether i am mad or angry with you. I just felt alil upset to hear such news when you suddenly reached me. I know that things are getting apart and our relationship are straining aside. I understand how bad it feels like. But i can't help it either. Time doesn't stop for anyone,  my dear. Everyone would wish to have time at their fingertips but sadly we couldn't. I know you're upset, paranoid and confused with all that's happening within your lives. I can do nothing but to only be there for you and pour you advices. It's upsetting yet very painful to know the truth that your trust in me actually started to fade. I don't blame you for it. Everyone has their own perspective view and opinions to voice out. I then realized that i have not been a better friend for you. Yes, everything just seemed to get out of hands. We're less communicating, seeing each other and what more understanding each other right? Im sorry if this friendship were to be an additional problem for you. I guessed what you mentioned were true. Friendship is hard to handle, huh? I was never expecting you to say all those. Nevertheless, it's your right to voice out what you feel of this friendship. I very well admit that i have not been taking good care of our friendship? Have i been understanding you at your best sincewhile? Have i been the greatest friend or perhaps a sister to you sincewhile? You said yes. But no, i wasn't. Im sorry if my absence in your life now adds up to the miseries you're facing. Dearest, seeing me fine, laughing and smiling doesn't always conclude that im a perfect person without any ups and downs. That doesn't mean im happy with my life when sometimes that i had to pretend to lead a better life. How much i need you, how much i need all the close ones i used to turn to is a very deep emotion that i am not willing to pour. I wouldn't want to trouble anyone else anymore to hearing my problems and my pretense. I am trying well to learn to stand on my own and not be too depending on others. I have also got my miseries that i have been keeping all alone. I know i have not been sharing with you and not coming to you even when i know i need you at my worst. Its because i want to learn to be independent. And that doesn't mean that i don't need you, i don't cherish you. I very well do. You'e not selfish to have said all that. You're just being pushed to deep emotions that paranoids you harder each day. You're going through a hard time now. Focus well on your family and not prioritise our friendship yet alright? Your family needs you and you need them. I want you to know that i still love this friendship that we've built for seven fucking years. I don't wanna lose it just like that. I don't wanna lose you either. But after of all you've confessed, i guess i need time to be alone now. All i have got to say is that i know im not being a good friend, to you, to Lailabby and girlfriends. Or just anyone else. Im sorry everyone. I think friendship has been playing a big part in my life that got me hanging now and then. InsyaAllah, i will find a solution for our friendship in getting better. I wanna say sorry for everything, for all these times that i've been hurting you perhaps or so. And thank you for everything and every sacrifications you've made for me during this seven years being together. I love you, best friend, sister. And i miss you too, that's if you believe it. I need time to be alone now. So i guess, you shouldn't be stressing up too much about us alright? Take good care of yourself if i couldn't yet at my best.

Nowhere seen any moment now.
Sunday, May 16, 2010 12:40 AM

Nothing much today, sighhhhhhhhs.
At afternoon, celebrated a Mother's Day surprise for Granny though
it's already  late. It was all Aunts' and Mom's idea. Just a mini celebration and pictures.

Afterwhich, both Lailabby and i planned to head to VivoCity since we're dead off.
Got ourselves new shades and as usual, pictorials time!
Vivo City>Rivervale Mall>Home sweet home

Andand, who's more cuter here?

Iana & Lysha ;
I love this two cutest bitches!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 12:42 PM

It's 12.12pm now. I've eaten and currently downloading songs. Yes people, i've not been doing a proper update due to exams. Will be working on it soon once MYE ends. Well, for today was Math paper 1 and no, though i thought i've tried my best, im still not satisfied. Sighs. I sucks in Math, damn. But not forgetting, thank you dearest Zaina cousin for the helping hand for Math yesterday. And it's a must for us both to karaoke like crazy again! If Usop were to be there with us yesterday, for sure it'll be double the laughter and fun. :( Miss him siul. As for later, im going to have a study hour with Lailabby at her crib. Aduii, Naufal's not coming even. Miss that Abg Cine too. It has been sincewhile since we last met though. Haha. Just being rather random for now. Lastly to Qinahbby, sorry that i couldn't accompany you to Somerset for the job interview, honey. I really can't. I'll pray the best for you alright? Xoxo, take care.

Undeniable, im just missing alot of people now. 
I don't know why but it's just that mingling feeling. :'(
  • Mardino
  • Rosli
  • Usop
  • Afi
  • Asyraf
  • Naufal
  • Khairil
  • Didi
  • Iffah
  • Zie
  • Rah
  • Fazira
  • Erra
  • Nat
  • My used-to-be happy family
  • My late grandmother's mother
  • My only bunch of awesome girls


Monday, May 10, 2010 11:17 PM

First and foremost, i would still like to wish my beloved mother a 
Happy Belated Mother's Day. Sorry for the late wish, Ibu. 
Despite that, i thank you for every single thing, Ibu.
May Allah bless you with happiness & health.
I feel much greatful to have you.
I love you, Ibu!
Leftover pictorials on Saturday.
Out with Fiqah to get Granny something.
And she love it!

Damn, ignore my boncet tummy.
Grrrr. Kay laa, nak tidur now.
Good luck for tmrw!

Not forgetting,
Happy 22nd monthsary to akm{A}lin today.
May you both last long and stay happy despite all shits.

Last but not least, Happy Birthday to Ex-bestfriend, Afi.
10 May is your day, so i'd hope you enjoyed it well.
Though you've changed, i do still miss you buddy.
May Allah bless you with happiness and health.
Takecare, Ex-bestfriend.

I love you.
Saturday, May 8, 2010 2:35 PM

Hello earthlings.
So yesterday, had a small group study with Lailabby.
Accompanied her to pay off her bill first then to Burger King then  to Toast Box.
Lailabby, thanks alot for the treats and the awesome day too!
Step birthday kite kejap laa kan. ♥
Lailabby's favourite. ♥
Ours. ♥

Thanks alot for the day yesterday sayang.
I hope you did had fun. Despite that, sorry that i had to be home earlier due to curfews.
I love you!