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getting kinda close, almost love

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 12:42 PM

It's 12.12pm now. I've eaten and currently downloading songs. Yes people, i've not been doing a proper update due to exams. Will be working on it soon once MYE ends. Well, for today was Math paper 1 and no, though i thought i've tried my best, im still not satisfied. Sighs. I sucks in Math, damn. But not forgetting, thank you dearest Zaina cousin for the helping hand for Math yesterday. And it's a must for us both to karaoke like crazy again! If Usop were to be there with us yesterday, for sure it'll be double the laughter and fun. :( Miss him siul. As for later, im going to have a study hour with Lailabby at her crib. Aduii, Naufal's not coming even. Miss that Abg Cine too. It has been sincewhile since we last met though. Haha. Just being rather random for now. Lastly to Qinahbby, sorry that i couldn't accompany you to Somerset for the job interview, honey. I really can't. I'll pray the best for you alright? Xoxo, take care.

Undeniable, im just missing alot of people now. 
I don't know why but it's just that mingling feeling. :'(
  • Mardino
  • Rosli
  • Usop
  • Afi
  • Asyraf
  • Naufal
  • Khairil
  • Didi
  • Iffah
  • Zie
  • Rah
  • Fazira
  • Erra
  • Nat
  • My used-to-be happy family
  • My late grandmother's mother
  • My only bunch of awesome girls