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getting kinda close, almost love

Drifted again?
Monday, April 26, 2010 7:39 PM

Dear Lailabby,

I don't know if you're reading this or not. But if you do, i would gladly tell you how i feel deep down. This few days, you went weird. You became the old you, the lonely you. Why? When i asked you why, you said there's no point in telling. I was offended yet i just went silent. I don't wanna ask much since you've given me an impression that you don't wanna be bothered. Is it because of anyone of us in our clique that have offended you some way or so? Or was it me for being an irritant in some way? We were in good terms indeed very compact. Our clique went soothe and back happy again. But what happened now? Is it going to break apart again into two different cliques? You mentioned about best friends in your blog. And yes, i know i am not the best friend you're looking for. I just don't suit to be one of them. Eventhough we've been friends for almost five years now, i admit that i'd think i have not known you better enough. I thought i did but you seemed to prove me wrong. We were in the same situations in almost every way. You understand how i feel and i do too for yours. Though, i know that my understanding of you is not good enough for a best friend to understand a best friend right? Nevertheless, i felt thankful. Thankful that at least you has got an awesome good friend or perhaps best friend, Sofia, to accompany you through all. I'll pray for your friendship to last, i will. As what i've told you before, i just hate seeing you tear and when you choose to be alone. If you've got problems, do share. We will always be there for you. I'll always lend you my listening ear. But im sorry if a listening ear is all i could lend out. I know that ain't enough for you. Seeing you being like this questions all of us one by one. Though we keep quiet, we let you be so, it doesn't mean that we don't care. It doesn't mean that we like you being out of the clique. We obviously don't. Have you ever asked yourself that? Cause from what i know what you would be thinking is that we don't even give a damn about you, which is totally wrong. Browsing through our photos together and those memories spent just brought me to tears. I seriously don't know why you're being like this. I really don't know why you're trying to avoid us now. What made you like this questioned us so much. We just want you to know that we're always here for you. We will always be at our best for one another. I thank you darling, for everything that you've done for me. Everything. Thank you alot, Zulaiha. For those times i've been sucha shitty friend or so, im sorry. Im sorry if i wasn't the best for you. Deep down, i still love you as a sister. Too bad then, i was not the best friend you were looking for. It's your life and it's your choice in choosing your circle of friends. Our friendship will always be within my prayers. Even if these made me to tears, i just want you to know that i care much for you.