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getting kinda close, almost love

Wednesday, December 23, 2009 8:59 PM

A decision is a very tough responsibility to be made. I've thought about it and still thinking. I've discussed it with mom, but will everything be okay if i were to choose it that way ? Recently has been alot of thinking for me. How my life would be and all. I'm trying to slowly stand on my feet again. I'd hope to pull through everything. I guess i have to start anew and try to put all those past behind me and move on with life. I know it's going to be hard, but i've to push and force myself. I can't be like this continously. I've to start to do something about myself now. I can't always depend on people right ? All i need is someone to just be there for me throughout. : (

Beloved Brother ; Rosli
Wondering how you are now eventhough i'm alil updated about you recently. Things were not like before and we're both busy with our ownselves. Miss the old days badly. Those times we laughed like noone's business and always being there for each other. You're the strongest, yet a humble brother i've ever had. The awesomest i could say. (: I know you're having your problems here and there. Don't give up and always stand strong on both feets okay ? Your laughter and your smiles are the greatest medicine ! I'm sure you'll manage to pull everything smoothly. Meet up soon, please. I miss you, brother. : (

Dearest Friend ; Ammar
Well, i admit that i've made mistakes and you too right ? I don't know why you're being like this now. Is this some kind of revenge towards me for that day that i treated you ? I felt guilty honestly. Even Laila and Qin knows how i'd feel. I made my move by apologising to you when i first got home that day. I asked you again if you felt offended or something by me and you said it's okay as you don't mind. I don't feel your words. I know that something's wrong with you somewhere and you wouldn't tell me either. I texted you twice or thrice and still you didn't reply. Even if it was my fault, why were you so mad ? I did apologise. Everyone does mistakes, like what you said. Then, what now ? Is all the blame being pushed on me ? I tried enough. I texted you and you didn't reply. But when Qin texted you, you did. I know i shouldn't treat you that way. But i couldn't help. I totally felt awkward out of a sudden and i really don't wanna give you real high hopes. And that was gonna be the last text you're gonna receive from me eversince if you feel that you don't wanna contact me anymore. I've tried and the decision is all yours now. I can do no more. Aside from that, thanks for those times you gave me laughters, advices, care and concern, and those sweet texts. I appreciate it all very much. You're a great friend, really. I'm hoping still for your reply and the truth from you. But if you're still going to be silent, i'm losing a great friend. I'm sorry.
