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getting kinda close, almost love

Wednesday, December 30, 2009 9:35 PM

I'm feeling rather restless. Went to meet these two awesome best girls just now. Met up kalysa first to cover up chemistry homework and chit-chatted. Told her these and that to ease everything. Sigh, it's a tough decision though. Something happened and i don't wish to elaborate. Then, breakfast-ed at KFC. Okay, no. Lunch-ed i supposed. Haha. Thanks dear for the treat. Ate at Rivervale Mall KFC, and then saw Fah and Sal there too! Miss that biatch, really. Done eating, off to meet Iffah at Compasspoint as Kalysa has got tuition to attend to. Walked to the library and then did one or two questions of math homework as i was really not in the mood. Pathetic -.-'. Bought bubble-tea and walkedwalked around SKPS estates there. Miss those primary school times very much. Took photos { lazy to upload the rest }, talked to Iffah about these and that and off home as she has got curfew. Nothing much today. Got home, received bad news from mom. I really couldn't get the hang of all these. FUCK EVERYTHING OKAY. I'm really paranoid and upset. I'm not in the mood to do anything or whatever. I'm off.

