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getting kinda close, almost love

Monday, December 14, 2009 12:11 AM

Frustrated, sad, upset, angry. Supposingly, it was a group outing right ? But it ended up with only Laila, Naufal and myself ? We all planned it and mostly said yes. And when the time came, Sepet and you disappeared. Syiqin doesn't want to tag cause of Sepet. Everything was so impromptu, very. The three of us stood at the bus-stop for like half an hour just think of where to head next. Yesterday was so pathetic, i swear. Without being so choosy anymore, we all headed to Grandlink. Got there at 6pm and karaoke-ed till 8pm. After which, off to get ice-creams at TKC and went to stop by to watch Kuda Kepang for awhile. Reached Sengkang around 10.30pm and then Laila's mom invited Naufal and myself to tag to Changi Beach with her friends. Had some misunderstandings with dad and i felt guilty to both parties. Decided to tag and got at Changi at 11pm. Blablabla, got home late and got alil screwed. I'm lazy now to list everything down here. I'm feeling so moodless and very fucked up, ohh please ?

I'm really disappointed with you. You agreed convincingly and ended up you disappeared just like that ? Are you a man of your words ? You don't seemed to. Now, you've given my mom and my aunt a very bad impression of yourself. Not to only them, but myself too. I don't understand your intentions. You've been bragging about wanting to meet up and stuff. And when things have been planned, you disappearerd. Do you think i favour being treated like this ? It's really not logic if you were to make up some stupid, lame excuses whereas i've been trying every single thing to reach you when you didn't even respond till the very day today. I've texted you, i've called you. No response, no nothing. And when Laila tried calling you on the very same day at night, it was ringing. What was that supposed to mean ? What were you thinking ? I understand that you're working and you may be tired. But i did very well asked you again and again the day before if you were really sure about it. You said yes. I was on your words. Ended up, you gave false hopes. You gave all of us false hopes. We were really hoping for your presence with us this time round. Upsettingly, you didn't fulfill it. Are you feeling guilty now till you're so not contacting me till today ? Better be. Please don't be a jerk cause i don't wanna regard you as that too. Naufal told me to give you the third chance. But do you really deserve it ? Let's see. Don't ever expect me to be a fool to go and make the first move to you alright. Knowing you was nice. Laughing with you was awesome. Talking to you was comfortable. But when it comes to decision, that's so killing me. It's just the beginning and you're already messing things up. And thanks for somehow making me realise how guys are sometimes. We can still be friends though. Friends and nothing more. { No one else could replace him still. }
