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getting kinda close, almost love

Can i ?
Sunday, December 6, 2009 9:44 PM

Plans were so impromptu yesterday. Had a plan with mom to aunt's crib and play with bbycousin. But after getting ready to step out of the house, laila called. Blablabla, they convinced me like no tomorrow to tag with them to catch New Moon. I was like, errrr. Finally, get dressed again to follow them. Met iqin, laila and naufal first at the bust-stop and then off to Ehub to meet sepet and ammar there. On the way there, you'd texted, sounded pissed. I'm sorry i couldn't text or call anymore for now due to certain reasons. But yet i called. Still, you sounded mad ? Sighs, i got pissed when you're like that. Waited for them both till it was pouring. Walked thro and fro from Ehub to Downtown while waiting for them. The three of us got pissed, especially iqin. I was mad too. Especially iqin, i felt sorry for her. Chill girl. Tired of waiting, decided to go and eat first. THANKS FOR THE TREAT, YOU GUYS ! Afetr sometime, you both came. So late huh ? Just awhile and then you're off. At least, i still had a glance. Haha. After eating, went to pasir ris park for awhile. I was so reminded of those times we had. Sighs. Iqin then had to go off first to her aunt's bbq pit and left with naufal, laila and me to Ehub back again. Walked walked walked, and off back to sengkang. Planned to get a bubble-tea at compass point when we reached. But when we did, it's already 10pm. Wth, time flies so fast. Cancelled that plan and laila had an exchange of taste. Why not we grab an ice-cream in the middle of the night ! Hahah. Everything so silent, yet only the three of us were making hell noise like as if it's a bunch of people. Afterall, it was somehow fun spending the day with you guys.


Today, no plans actually. Being bored at home and suddenly was reminded of zie's sister's engagement ceremony. Decided to turn up with laila last minute, and also with teeny-weeny bbycousin. Went for awhile and then send bbycousin home first before proceeding to compass point to get our bubble-tea, whee ! Slacked with laila and then he called. Talked and crapped. Haha. Thought you wouldn't, lol. You've been asking when's gonna be our next meet-up and i kept saying don't know. Qinah's off tomorrow and i'd thought of sending her and meeting you up too along with naufal and laila. But i don't know if that could work cause' mom told me to follow her tomorrow. *Praying* Hmmm. I'm always praying and still hoping for your calls, your texts and your presence in my life once again. Will you, can you ? I miss you alot, i really do. Could you feel me here ?
