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getting kinda close, almost love

This Dilemma.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 12:26 PM

Updating too often is what im really lazy about. So readers ,hope you understand. What more ,I'm not really in a mood lately. Too many things are bugging me. I guess i shall just keep things to myself right now. It just ain't a perfect moment now. So yeaa ,had last paper -Physics on friday. And that friday afternoon ,went to Grandlink. Had fun ,sang & screamed like no one's business. Took two hours and then off to Tampines Mall to eat since we've got no plans. LJS-ed and then fool around at ToysRus. Usop and Ayeem are like maddogs playing around with the hula-hoops and swords around the entire ToysRus. Funny funny. Pictures on Friday (lazy to edit ,hee) :

At ToysRus. (:

Zaina ,dearest preetayer cousin. ♥

Can you see his big earing ? xD

Usop ,gerek-est abg sdare. ♥

Had a tiring run and disturbing each other like mad people. HAHAHAH.  On saturday ,Ferah invited to her mom's birthday party. I was like o.O Just knew her ,so I'm like yeaaa. And like so OMFGZXZX ,Acan's her brother ?! And finally ,we met each other ?! Chaotic siolzxzxzx. Some pictures on saturday with Ferah's mom.

Ferah love. ♥

Cute kan dier ? ♥

Malik with cutestuff. ♥

Happy Birthday Aunty. (:

Malik ,gyler-est lil' cousin. ♥

Slept over at their crib and went to meet mom and aunts at Bedok interchange in the afternoon. Blabla ,went to Khai's crib and from there dad picked us up. Got home ,and im tired. Let the pictures do the talking alright ? ((:

Mat mner eyh ni ? M A L I K.

Khai ,the gala-cousin. ♥

Aunty & Mom. ♥

The two menantus' & the mak mentua. HAHA !