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getting kinda close, almost love

Sunday, October 4, 2009 10:33 PM

Finally backk to update rayer pictures! ^.^

Since that i was sick lately ,i have yet to update it now. Gahh. Rayer can be said fun & some part boring. But recently it was fun! YAY ^.^ Just got back from rayer outing. So let the pictures do the talking alright? Sorry guys that its quite outdated for now. =.='

Pictures Talk !

The bunch that went out on 250909.

The bunch that came to my house on 260909. Sorry guys that i can't entertain.
My house was packed & im quite busy. Sorry tawuk!


The sevens' on 021009.

Many yet to update. But i guess i shall end here. Im tired now.
Goodnight ,sweetdreams.