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getting kinda close, almost love

Obsessed with you.
Sunday, September 13, 2009 2:27 PM

13th Sept ,Sunday. Currently at aunt's house helping mom & aunt doing kuih for raya ,like duhh. Been going to and fro to aunt's house for th past two days. Im so tired & soggy right now. Didnt have enough sleep and yet ,gotta get up early to go to aunt's crib & start doing those kuih. Hahah. Im so bored right now and im just surfing th net to ease this boredom. And ohhs ,im so sorrrrrrry Nat & clique ! I should've come and celebrated with you guys ,but instead i can't make it due to some plannings. I knew it was a blast & its great to know that th birthday girl actually had lotsa fun ! Im just so sorrrrry guys : ( 
Ohh shiatt ,my holiday assignments are yet to be done =.='  I've only done part of it. & i need help badly for math hw as im totally blank about it. Sighs ,homework homework homework. I really gotta buck up in my studies. My progress report sucks badly this semester. Ugh (!) I have to get my routine clear & start going for consultations and get extra helps from classmates like Akmal and Qinah. I badly needs Akmal's favour to help me in my chemistry and physics. Im totally dead in chem & phy. You just gotta buck up ,Aishah ! Sighs. Your studies is really important and you're so taking your N's next year ,bitch ! Ughs ,its not too late yett right ? Im hoping to continue to try my best ,insyaAllah. Dear God ,may You give me courage & perseverance to face all these.
Andandand, I MISS YOU BADLY : (