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getting kinda close, almost love

Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:30 PM

Hello fellow people. (:
Im simply sicksicksick & im feeling so paranoid.
Will yet to update some pictures taken on outings and illustrate.
Takecare lovelies,

Im so so sorrrrrrrry that i'd forgot that yesterday was your birthday.
Im confused with the dates. Sorry i had nothing ,but just a hug for you just now.
*May all your wishes come true and have success coming your way. I'll always pray the best for you & im always here for you. Semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan bahagia di samping orang tersayang. ♥*


Salam Lebaran. (:
Thursday, September 24, 2009 5:21 PM


Hey kawan-kawan. (: maaf zahir dan batin jika terkasar bahasa atau tersilap bicara. seandainya saya di sini pernah berbuat jahat ,ataupun mengumpat atau apa2pun lah. mohon ampun dan maaf. halalkan lah makan minum ye. (: busy with rayer ,soon to update again.
Can't wait for tomorrow's rayer outing with lovelies ! ♥


Obsessed with you.
Sunday, September 13, 2009 2:27 PM

13th Sept ,Sunday. Currently at aunt's house helping mom & aunt doing kuih for raya ,like duhh. Been going to and fro to aunt's house for th past two days. Im so tired & soggy right now. Didnt have enough sleep and yet ,gotta get up early to go to aunt's crib & start doing those kuih. Hahah. Im so bored right now and im just surfing th net to ease this boredom. And ohhs ,im so sorrrrrrry Nat & clique ! I should've come and celebrated with you guys ,but instead i can't make it due to some plannings. I knew it was a blast & its great to know that th birthday girl actually had lotsa fun ! Im just so sorrrrry guys : ( 
Ohh shiatt ,my holiday assignments are yet to be done =.='  I've only done part of it. & i need help badly for math hw as im totally blank about it. Sighs ,homework homework homework. I really gotta buck up in my studies. My progress report sucks badly this semester. Ugh (!) I have to get my routine clear & start going for consultations and get extra helps from classmates like Akmal and Qinah. I badly needs Akmal's favour to help me in my chemistry and physics. Im totally dead in chem & phy. You just gotta buck up ,Aishah ! Sighs. Your studies is really important and you're so taking your N's next year ,bitch ! Ughs ,its not too late yett right ? Im hoping to continue to try my best ,insyaAllah. Dear God ,may You give me courage & perseverance to face all these.
Andandand, I MISS YOU BADLY : (

Wednesday, September 9, 2009 9:56 PM

like yeaa ,not been posting recently. currently talking on th phne with awesomest sister ,Iffah ! many things hppened & i guess i shall keep it to myslf. my mind's blank nw & many stuffs is just so drastically clinging on my mind. i miss my friendship so badly. too many things hppened recently & im tryna get hold of it. i just hate nw so much ,really does. i just wished a miracle could hppen. please God ,help me to be someone stronger. & i miss you badly : (  and Iffah ,we shall meet soon okaay ? i need you here girl. at times ,i'd just hoped to be someone different. just so different. ~

I need you here.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009 9:34 PM

right now ,this moment.
im cnfused ,im paranoid.
i need you here with me.
will you ?  : (