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getting kinda close, almost love

Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:38 AM

its been since while since i updated. srries ppl ,just not in a mood to blog. now ,im feeling very low and pathetic. i just feel like bursting. things always dont go the way we intended it to be. not all chapters has a happy ending. we can make it happen ,but how? it hurts to watch the ones we loved walked away but at times we have to. we have to sacrifice for their happiness right? it hurts whenever i think back of the times we used to be together. those times we used to laughed together ,tickled each other and be there for each other. its all uneraseable. im not affordable to do anything but hey ,i'll always pray the best for you okay? you are always the best of the best ,i swear. may everything ends the best way for you alright? its hard for me to accept this but im trying my best ,dunt worry. these feelings werent go away. its desiring for the thirst of your love. she's never hoping to lose you ,NEVER. her prayers are always with you. even you're far away ,shes here to stay. ~

Style of your hair
Shape of your eyes and your nose
The way you stare
As if you see, right through my soul

Its your left hand and the way
That its not quite as big as your right
The way you stand in the mirror
Before we go out at night

Our quiet time
Your beautiful mind

They're all part of the list, things that i miss
Things like your funny little laugh
Or the way you smile, or the way we kiss

What i noticed is this
I come up with something new
Every single time that i sit and reminisce

The way your sweet smell
Lingers when you leave the room
Stories you tell as we lay in bed all afternoon

I dreamed you now every night
In my mind is where we meet
And when im awake staring at pictures of you asleep

Touching your face
Invading you space

They're all part of the list, things that i miss
Things like your funny little laugh
Or the way you smile, or the way we kiss

What i noticed is this
I come up with something new
Every single time that i sit and reminisce

And you live in my memories
Forever more i swear
And you live in my memories
Forever more i swear

They're all part of the list, things that i miss
Things like your funny little laugh
Or the way you smile, or the way we kiss

What i noticed is this
I come up with something new
Every single time that i sit and reminisce